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Letitia und der Amazonas

Die Begleitung durch Kontours war super und sollte gerade am Ende noch besonders wichtig werden aber davon später. Die Guides die Kontours für uns ausgesucht hatte waren eine wirkliche Bereicherung auf den einzelnen Stationen und wir haben eine Menge über Land und Leute erfahren was wir sonst nicht erfahren hätten. Wir sind am 19.11 Abends von Aruba nach Bogota geflogen und haben die erste Nacht unspektakulär in einem Businesshotel in der Nähe des Flughafens verbracht, da wir am nächsten Morgen zeitig nach Letitia zum Amazonas geflogen sind. Am Flughafen in Letitia hat uns dann unserer Guide Herman für den Amazonas in Empfang genommen, der uns wirklich sympathisch und sehr kenntnisreich durch dieses Abenteuer begleitet hat. Letitia haben wir nur auf dem Weg vom neuen aber kleinen Flughafen zum Bootsanleger gesehen. Eine typische Provinzstadt voller Tut Tuns den kleinen dreirädrigen Taxis die wir schon aus Asien kennen. Letitia ist quasi Kolumbiens Dreiländereck. Hier treffen die drei Städte Letitia Kolumbien, Santa Rosa Peru und Tabatinga Brasilien aufeinander und man kann von dort mit einem Flussdampfer nach Manaus fahren. Alle drei Länder scheinen sich hier prima zu verstehen wie wir bei unserer Rückreise beobachten konnten, da war ein großes gemeinsames dreitägiges Volksfest in Vorbereitung.

Jetzt aber Becci`s Bericht auf den folgenden Seiten auf Englisch:

Day 1 (20.11.2021)
Arrival at Leticia Airport and the incredibly trip to our accommodation at the Amazonas. First all passengers got welcomed by dancers of an amazonian ethnic group performing traditional dances. Afterwards we got a lift by taxi to the river taking around 15 minutes. Traditional vehicles on streets are motor bikes and Tuk Tuk.
Waited at the boat station for an hour to travel by boat for nearby 1,5h across the amazing river Amazonas. Heading full speed to our lodge only stopped sometimes by branches of trees in the water. We were dropped down at a station surrounded by water and pick up by another boat with no engine bringing us to our lodge. As we arrived we were greeted by lovely monkey’s in the trees 😍.
The day was closed by a delicious and traditional dinner with two Dutch guys, 6 Columbian peoples making holiday and the owners of the lodge hotel.
So many impressions for the first day. In Germany we often say that the traveling day is a waisted day, but in the Amazonas it’s an adventure day…never waisted!!!


Tag 2 am Amazonas

Day 2 (21.11.2021)
After having breakfast we went with a local guide to a local community passing through their village. She explained family structures, community structures and showed food plants. Four different ethnic groups are living in this community. At the frontdoor of their houses they have colorful paintings showing animals from water, air or earth. One rule of the community says that people can’t marry people from the same element for preventing insist. A woman from the jaguar house can’t get married by a man of the house with a deer in front but by a man from the hummingbird house.
Afterwards heading to a monkey sanctuary, where orphaned and injured monkeys will be cared for let them back to freedom, we traveled back on water passing a creek to our lodge.
In the Afternoon we had a hiking trip through the jungle with a local guide showing medicine plants and trees. As we went back Lea was feeding a big group of small monkeys with bananas (like she did than every day from now🤣).

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Day 3 (22.11.2021)
The morning started Amazonas like, heavy rain close till lunchtime. After breakfast we started a boat trip to see river dolphins. There exist two types of them, the gray once, coming originally from the Atlantik ocean adapted now to the river, and the prehistoric pink dolphin. After a while heading up the river we saw a first group of dolphins in far distance being gray and pink once’s together. Finally heading to a lake where female dolphins are getting their babies surrounded and secured by male dolphins. This lake, Lago de Tarapoto, is protected by a community regulating the number of boats entering the area. Only one other small boat had been there together with us. We‘ve seen a tremendous amount of dolphins surrounding the boat hard to catch by video or photo.
For Lunch we went to a small village called Porto Nariño winning an award by the UN for being an ecological community. The UN invested money for a pavement they wished.
After dinner we went out for a night walk seeing many really poison animals. The rule for this walk: Don’t touch anything! Just walk and look! For luck we’ve seen the second poisoning scorpion of the world, the high aggressive wolfspider (Bananenspinne) and a poison dart frog beside other poisonous animals. Also making the experience if you’re not moving for a while ants will enter you and bites you painful. It has been an exciting hiking trip for all of us.

Tag 4 am Amazonas

After the exciting night walk the next day started relaxed after breakfast. Women came from the neighbor community for teaching basket-weaving or pottery. I made my own basket…ok, around 40% of it 😜!
In the afternoon we visited an indigenous community which is famous for keeping the traditional language and rituals. It was a heartwarming experience.

Time to say Goodbye

We spend four amazingly days in the Amazonas. But now it was time to say goodbye! Beside all the activities we met many interesting people of different kind of nations. Two of them had been Elisa and Julia. We spend a wonderful time with them and hope to see them again in near future. And we also hope to come back to the Amazonas for more experience and I wish for everybody who wants to see the Amazonas not to hesitate before it’s gone…

Unser Amazonas Trip der Film

Cathedral de Salt in Zipaquira

On our journey from Bogotá to Villa de Levya we passed by the Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá, an Roman Catholic Church built within the tunnels of a salt mine 200m underground in a halite mountain.
The church at the bottom is divided in three sections representing the Birth, Life and Death of Jesus. All ornaments, icons and architectural details are hand carved in the rock. The cathedral is one of the most notable and monumental achievements of the architecture of Columbia. We felt spiritual deeply impressed.

Cathedral de Sal im Film

Mondaines Kolumbien - Villa de Leyva

Villa de Leyva (25.-27.11.21)
Villa de Leyva is located in an intermontane valley at the Ricaurte Province by an altitude of 2,149 metres. The town is colonial influenced and a municipality.
We had two wonderful exploring days on our own enjoying the village, it’s habitants, the sun and delicious food.


Barichara (27.-30.11.)
After leaving Villa de Leyva we were heading to Barichara, a small village in the district of Santander impressed by colonialism of the Spanish in the 18th century. 1978 Barichara was declared as a national heritage site.
First day we went on historical and nature tracks with our guide Diana, had lunch- and relaxing time at a beautiful finca hostel (Mahanaim) before visiting an ecological coffee farm (Alfania, guided by Carlos) next day. In the evening of the second day we went to a lovely restaurant in the countryside owned by Lu and Fabian, we just met at the coffee farm. They opened their restaurant only for us and made delicious pizza 😋. Thanks for meeting you guys 😀!


Diese Stadt die noch in den 90iger Jahren eine der gefährlichsten Orte der Welt war, bekannt für Drogenkartelle und Guerilla, hat sich zu einem lebendigem und bunten Ort entwickelt, der von seinen Bewohner geliebt wird. Einen großen Beitrag hat eine Jugendkultur auf der Grundlage von Graffiti und Hip Hop beigetragen aber auch eine kluge Stadtentwicklung mit Infrastrukturprojekte wie einer S-Bahn und Seilbahnen zu den Hängen der Stadt hat die armen Quartiere angebunden und die Leute am Stadtleben teilhaben lassen. Medellin scheint auf einem sehr guten Weg zu sein. Das fällt insbesondere auf im Vergleich zur Hauptstadt Bogota. Aber dazu später mehr.



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